Business Law

CA Paralegal Services is dedicated to meeting your needs with a focus on Incorporation and Limited Liability Company.

Business Law

Paralegals are very different from corporate lawyers. While an incorporation attorney may provide more services, they typically charge $500-1000 per hour. If you know what you want to do, often a paralegal is the best route (and least expensive), plus most corporate attorneys have corporate paralegals perform the work.

The Incorporation Process

We typically see people file corporations on a national website. Yes, these work and yes they can be done quickly and fast, but you do get what you pay for. We provide open and honest answers, plus when it comes time to add various details most of the services do not allow for the drafting of unique paperwork. If your goal is to grow. your business and add shareholders it is imperative you connect with us to address your ‘what-if’ scenarios. While we can not provide legal advice we can add the specific items you want, done at your direction.

We also have access to business advisors who can speak about their personal experiences, which may help you more clearly define your goals. California incorporation typically takes one to two weeks when done as a priority, using regular mail can take up to a month. We also provide rush filings which can be done in 24 hours.

CA Paralegal Services Business Law

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